February 26

Student Autobiography Blog!

All About Me

Kelly Harris

Who is in my family?

*My family includes my dad, my mom, my sister or twin Taylor, me, and my brother Luke

Do I play a sport or instrument?

*As some of you might now I play violin.  As sports go, I enjoy watching basketball, and I love swimming!

Who do I envy most?

*Some kids would probably pick a famous celebrity, but I envy my parents and my teachers.  They put so much of their time, money, and heart into what they do.  And they do it because they enjoy it.

How old am I?

*As a lot of you know I have just turned ten.  I redecorated my room for my birthday.

I hope you enjoyed my autobiography all about me!

February 26

Question Blog: Should Fourth Graders Have Homework?

Here is another week of “McMaster and Fett QUESTION  Blog.”

This cycle we have been debating on if we should have homework or not.  There are two sides as you may have guessed.

Some students say we should have homework.  Their reasons include…..students say they need extra practice on the whole group lesson of the day.  

Some students say we don’t need homework. Their reasons include those who say we need homework want to stay home and play video games, have sports practices, or other activities.  

Our conclusion: Mrs.Mcmaster and Mrs.Fett don’t actually assign us homework; we do!  If you don’t want homework, do your centers work during class time, your PLUS period work during PLUS period, and use your morning “to do” time wisely!

We hope you have enjoyed our weekly  ?QUESTION ? Blog.            


        *We have a new question on the blog board. Don’t forget to let us know your thoughts!

      *Remember: we are still in the midst of winter; make sure you wear your coat every day.

~ Kelly  & Taylor Harris